Open Data Directive 138/2023

The new Open Data Directive requires the release of public sector data in free and open formats. It includes six thematic data categories, among them datasets related to companies and company ownership. The main objective of the Directive is to ensure that public data of highest socio- economic potential are made available for re-use with minimal legal and technical restriction and free of charge.

Will this new Directive really improve the access to data?

Should we expect any negative impact on the Businesss Information Industry which plays a central role in every developed economy?

Which scenario should we expect in the next two years in terms of changes along the whole Business Information Industry in Europe?

And lastly, is it economically sustainable for Data Providers to collect, store, manage and deliver quality data for free or at lower prices that today?


STÉPHANIE VERILHAC MARZIN – Institutional and Regulatory Affairs coordinator at FEBIS


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